Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Origin And Development Of Your Interest - 975 Words
1. Discuss the origin and development of your interest in social work; include any influences that your family, personal, educational, and vocational experiences may have had on your career choice. I grew up in a small town in Northern Louisiana called Ferriday. Ferriday is small, therefore it’s hard to keep internal family business private from the outside world. I witness many things growing up in my small town. I witness parents neglecting their children, a daughter being sold by her mother for drugs and money, and many other unspeakable things. I personally went through a phase during my teen years. It was a point of time where I was too afraid to talk to my mother and grandmother about what was going on with me. I feel that I can personally related to an adolescence that’s going through a teen phase. I decided that I to pursue a career with working with children and adolescence. My older cousin was attending Southern University at the time, pursuing a degree in Social Work. She inspired me to become a social worker, after she told me what all a social worker do. 2. Discuss your personal qualifications for social work practice; include strengths and limitations that may affect your ability to help others. In order to be a social worker you have to be able to communicate, be nonjudgmental, respectful of others beliefs, and be a good listener. My friends always came to me for advice. I honestly grew up to fast, therefore, I experienced things at in earlyShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Origin of the Game of Basketball1391 Words  | 6 Pageswidely popular sport was created. From this paper, one will acquire information about the origin of the game of basketball, how the game has evolved over time, and basketball as a business. â€Å"The two questions that I am most commonly asked when I am discussing basketball with persons whom I have just met are, How did you come to think of it? and What changes have taken place in the game since its origin?††(Naismith 61). 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The Human Resource ( Hr ) - 1572 Words
The human resource (HR) in an organization deals with the day to day operations of the human resources department. The HR department deals with business law, compensation, employee relations, benefits, medical and the like. HR focuses on whom the organization hires, whom the organization fires and remediation to employees who need discipline and retooling to continue their employment. The functions of the HR department in my organization include: recruiting and retaining talent, performance management and compensation, employee benefits, recruitment and staffing and employee rights and safety. In spite of the turbulent environment facing the healthcare industry today, my organization has however proven its effectiveness in performance measures however, improvement is needed in the areas of defining and aligning organizational purpose, creating organizational alignment and accurately measuring the right things. In rating this department, there are questions regarding the organizationà ¢â‚¬â„¢s strategic process that will be examine below. Recommendations will include creating an organizational culture where trust, open communication, and fairness are emphasized and demonstrated. Providing employees with opportunities for career advancement, offering a higher total rewards package than other organizations that compete for the same talent. By recruiting and retaining talent and providing professional and development training, the HR instillShow MoreRelatedThe Human Resource ( Hr )1655 Words  | 7 PagesThe human resource (HR) in an organization deals with the day to day operations of the human resources department. The HR department deals with business law, compensation, employee relations, benefits, medical and the like. HR focuses on whom the organization hires, whom the organization fires and remediation to employees who need discipline and retooling to continue their employment. The functions of the HR department in my organization includ e: recruiting and retaining talent, performance managementRead MoreHuman Resources and Hr985 Words  | 4 PagesActivity 1: Human resource department is the field that takes control of training and overseeing employees. Therefore, it is important for HR personnel to develop and maintain some skills and knowledge in that field. Based on the CIPD HR professional map, there are some strategies, insights and solutions that can be followed. One of them is to ensure that Individuals understand the organization s external goals and objectives and the different functions within it. Through understanding what shouldRead MoreThe Human Resource ( Hr )2186 Words  | 9 Pages The human resource (HR) in an organization deals with the day to day operations of the human resources department. The HR department deals with business law, compensation, employee relations, benefits, medical and the like. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Books beyond paper Free Essays
The technological developments in the field of computers and internet have brought in far reaching changes in both at home and the office. Communication through letters has changed over to exchange of e-mails. The vast storage space available in the computer is being utilized for storing text, music, pictures and video in electronic format. We will write a custom essay sample on Books beyond paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Once inside the computer hard disk, they are all digital files consisting of bits of ‘ones’ and ‘zeroes’. Office automation has improved efficiency and has provided cost reduction to survive in a competitive environment. Modern technology is known to have had its impact on every part of our life. It can’t leave the world of books untouched. e-book We are living in the age of information and the internet. This is the period of the knowledge economy. There are several changes that have taken place in the work area. Most of the work is being done using the computer, intranet and the internet. Modern offices have become paperless offices. Faster microprocessors and higher disk space available in the computer has made storage and retrieval of data faster and convenient and this has helped Project Gutenberg to convert texts of classical literature into the digital format (History and philosophy of Project Gutenberg, 1992). The idea was to make books and other information to be made available to the general public. The World Wide Web can be considered as a vast library where all sorts of information is stored and is accessible to anybody from any corner of the world. The websites which form the World Wide Web can be considered as the books or magazines of the virtual library. The websites have different applications such as games, on line shopping, networking, music and video sharing. But there are many websites such as online dictionaries and encyclopedias which have been organized similar to books or printed matter. Some of these websites and the databases can be considered as electronic books (Bradley F. James). HTML coding is the standard followed by all websites to accommodate text as well as pictures. A server is a host where the WebPages are uploaded. Hundreds of such WebPages are put together in a common server with a domain name so that they can be accessed easily. The WebPages are interconnected using hypertext links. This has resulted in a network consisting of WebPages full of information on all sorts of topics. Massive work is in progress in adding content to the websites and they are being periodically updated. There are any number of online libraries which host books that can be read on the net. The HTML coded text can be read using the web browsers. In addition there are books that can be downloaded which are generally in pdf format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is the software that is required for reading text in pdf format. Reading a book from a computer screen is not same as reading from the printed book. It is basically the comfort level of the reader. To make the concept of the e-book more acceptable and also to provide the reader the flexibility of reading the book as per his requirement, several manufacturers have come up with paperback size portable electronic gadgets that work on batteries. The e-books come in two broad categories; the personal digital assistant (PDA) and electronic reading device (ERD). While PDA is for multi-function use and it is considered as a hand held computer, ERD is specially designed and marketed for reading pleasure. ERD has the provision to download and store the e-book files from a computer hard disk and display text on a screen. For music files mp3 compression became a standard but there is no such standard for e-books. There are as many as 25 different formats which are being promoted by different manufacturers. In addition, the e-books that are commercially made available are with digital rights management (DRM), a form of security to prevent people from sharing without authorization (Rosso Sara, 2009). The dedicated e-book readers use E Ink technology to simulate text printed on paper and ink particles are displayed electronically. There is no need of backlighting of the display. It can be read even in broad day light. Amazon kindle is a product developed by Amazon. com and the second generation model became available in March 2009. There is provision to deliver content directly to the e-book within a wireless coverage area hence a computer is not required to download content. It has features such as choosing text size; the text can be read out either through speakers or headphones while the screen continues to show the text being read; choice of voice can be male or female; dictionary look up for a particular word without disturbing the content; notes made are saved and backed up on Amazon servers. It has capacity to hold thousand digital books, and other text from magazines and blogs. Whatever books purchased from Amazon. com are in a store for the customer and he can download them as and when he wants through the wireless access provided. All other text files belonging to the user which are in different formats can be uploaded to Amazon where they get converted to kindle format and are available for downloading and reading on the device (Kindle User’s Guide). PRS-700 is the third generation Reader available from Sony and has additional features such as touch screen, on screen key board, and side lighting for reading in poor light. The addition of touch screen is supposed to have affected the display contrast. A portable mp3 player is integrated within the Reader to listen to music in the background. The internal storage capacity may be limited to 350 books but it has memory stick and SDHC SD card slot to store thousands of books and tunes (Gade Lisa, 2008). It uses Sony software to synchronize with desk top computer to transfer books to the Reader. It supports different text formats such as text, RTF, MS Word, PDF and ePub. The iLiad book from iRex Technologies is an e-book with 8. 1 inch touchscreen display and has memory that can be expanded to 8 GB to accommodate up to 10,000 books in digital format. This needs to be connected to a PC using a USB cable to search and browse the net to download books or get it from mobipocket. com an online ebook-store. Mobipocket Reader is the software that works with this device. The handwritten notes can be converted to digital text. This device supports several formats (Stunningly paper-like). Cybook Gen3 is an e-book from the French manufacturer Bookeen, slightly smaller in size with a six inch screen and easily fits in the hand. There is no provision for taking notes and Wi-Fi connectivity for downloading data. It needs to be connected to the PC with a USB cable to transfer data. 64MB built in memory is provided and SD card can be used for additional storage. It supports several text formats including PDF. It has an mp3 player for listening to music and also for playing audio books. It is energy efficient and the battery provides 8000 screen refreshes (Vogel Sandra, 2008). The present generation of student population is technology friendly and would love the text books in a digital format which provides a clear advantage of easy portability in a laptop. It is easier for the libraries to store them and many people can access them using the intranet or the internet. The content can be updated as required. The library can transform itself from a place of storing books to an information portal. There is a need to distinguish the reading content from the e-book as a medium for storage and reading. It is just like the difference between the music and the storage medium such as cassettes, CDs and mp3 digital files. The technological changes that were accepted in the music industry have helped in distributing music in different formats and now iPods and iTunes are the most popular form of the medium and the distribution channel for music. We are hopeful of a similar transformation to take place in text content and its medium and distribution provided the problem of DRM is settled and text content file is made available at a fractional price of its printed counterpart. A standard open file format will be helpful in expanding the market Conclusion The text in digital format has several advantages of small size, easy portability, searching capability, font type and size, and ready access to dictionary. In theses days where people are losing reading interest, the rigid attitude of publishers on DRM and high cost of text in digital format is coming in the way of generating customer interest in e-book as a useful reading of tool. Works cited Bradley F. James â€Å"The Electronic Book and PDA†retrieved on 2009-05-14 http://www. scinet. cc/articles/ebook/electronicbook. html Gade Lisa â€Å"Sony Reader PRS-700†Nov 11, 2008 Mobile Tech Review retrieved on 2009-05-15 http://www. mobiletechreview. com/gadgets/Sony-Reader-PRS-700. htm â€Å"History and philosophy of Project Gutenberg†Aug 92 retrieved on 2009-05-14 http://www. promo. net/pg/history. html â€Å"Kindle User’s Guide†3rd edition retrieved on 2009-05-15 https://kindle. s3. amazonaws. com/Kindle_Users_Guide_v3. pdf Rosso Sara â€Å"How to Read an ebook: Formats, Devices, Dedicated Readers and iPhone Applications†Mar 10, 2009 retrieved on 2009-05-14 http://www. whenihavetime. com/how-to-read-an-ebook-formats-devices-dedicated-readers-and-iphone-applications/? PHPSESSID=bb4854fd629733b5375a6a83a7f0d70d â€Å"Stunningly, Paper-like†The iLiad Book Edition retrieved on 2009-05-16 http://www. irextechnologies. com/products/bookedition/features Vogel Sandra â€Å"Bookeen Cybook Gen3 Review†Nov 9, 2008 Trusted Reviews retrieved on 2009-05-16 http://www. trustedreviews. com/mobile-devices/review/2008/01/09/Bookeen-Cybook-Gen3/p1 How to cite Books beyond paper, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
African dance free essay sample
African Dance Types Africa is a vast continent, consisting of many countries and hugely diverse cultures. African dance mainly refers to the collective dance type of the Sub- Sahara Africa, which is the African tribal dance. There are many aspects that affect the African dance types. Here are some glimpses of African dance types African dance types are distinct from each other because of the diversity, of the nomadic groups and the indigenous tribes, that practice them. The African dances symbolize social structure and traditional values of the people related to them.These dance types help the African people to praise, criticize ND even work with each other. African dances heavily rely upon the African music, which is a very interesting form Of music, despite the fact that in many African tribal languages, there is no particular word for music. African Dance Characteristics In most African countries, music is an essential part of peoples daily life. The two basic and very important musical components in African culture are human voice and the drums.It is also true that many African tribal dance forms, such as the Mamas, dont use the African drums. In native language African drums, known as December symbolize peoples day-to-day life. The rum beats explain the mood of the tribal people and evokes the deepest emotions. African dances tend to explain the lives and feelings of an African individual, a couple or an entire community. The African dances are classified on the basis of gender and deeply reinforce certain community structures like age, status, context and kinship. In African dance, men usually expend jumps and leaps while women dancers perform crooked knee positions and bent body postures. The most recognized dancing method is a group of dancers dancing in a circle with a drummer in the middle. The African attitude towards music is said to be two. 0 dimensional, the tribal Africans supposedly follow the three against the two beats of the drum. Drums always accompany them at every occasion in their life. African dance includes cross-rhythms of the musical instruments along with total body movements.Different body parts are highlighted in different tribal groups. To be more precise, subtle movement of the hips is emphasized in the Calamari dance form of Nigeria, whereas upper body movements are essential part in the dance form Of Ghana, named Ann.-Ewe. African dance is mainly a sort of public event, where there are lesser number f spectators and more of performers. So, in dance forms like Your, people touching each other while dancing was not so appreciated. Their main dancers and master drummers are very particular about the correctness of the dancing postures.There are not many lyrics but there are nonverbal clues and the lyrics are explained through the beats of the drums and intense humming and other such type of sounds. African tribal dance or African folk dance is performed on almost all the occasions in the peoples everyday life. The African folk dance is nothing but a cultural activity that is followed sincerely, almost as a ritual. African people dance on all the occasions like childbirth, various festivals, marriages, recalling certain experiences in the past, funerals and also to worship Gods.Welcome Dance These dances are performed to please the visitors and show them the happiness that the tribe is feeling on their arrival. The other reason to perform welcome dance is to show the guests, how versatile and talented the villagers are. Celebration or Love Dance These dances are performed on certain festive and really very happy occasions like weddings, various tribal festivals and anniversaries. Coming of Age Dance This dance is performed to celebrate coming of age of the young men and women. It is a rite Of passage that many tribes follow and celebrate. The dancers perform in front of all the tribal members, which gives them immense pride as well as confidence. Warrior Dance Warrior dances are performed at various cultural events and occasions. The warrior dance movements are a fusion of warfare movements such as stabbing with the artistic movement of the body, according to the drum beats. The dance steps also consist of turn with phrase endings and various other aggressive body movements. Summoning and Possession Dance Summoning and possession are the most common African folk dances and are also very important in many indigenous religions.This dance is performed in almost all tribes for calling a spirit. The spirits are the ones that are worshiped by that specific tribe. The summoning dance is also performed when there is a drought or a war. African Tribe Dance Trivia African tribal dances totally differ from their counterparts all over the world. In some African tribal dances, certain impressive dancing properties are also used to entertain the guests. For example: Yuba dance: Yuba is dance arm from Nigeria or the western African region.In this dance, The Beaded Gourd Rattle called Seekers in native language, is thrown in the air to indicate the rhythm changes. Ekberg dance: This dance is originally the dance of Ewe and Foe tribes from western African region. This dance is peculiarly performed with horsetails, at the times of funerals. Dumdum dance: The Mammas people perform their traditional dance called Dumdum. This dance is performed at the coming of age ceremony of the warriors. Spanking dance: This African folk dance belongs to the Ga ethnic group from Ghana. This once is performed with certain conga like drums that are called Spanking.The dance is also known as African drum dance. Sometime dance: This dance is also referred to as shaking dance, as the dance involves peculiar movement of the pests region of the body. This dance is specifically performed by the South African Xhosa tribe. Midland dance: This dance is best known as African Zulu dance. It is performed by the Zulu tribes of South Africa. In this dance the dancer lifts his one leg to the height of his head and bangs it down hard against the ground. This dance is also referred as Zulu war dance and is mainly performed at the Zulu weddings.There are numerous different African folk dances, as there are a lot of tribes present in the continent. African tribe dances like Timetabling;, Unmanning and Bola from Uganda, Mimosa from Zaire and many other dance forms are still practiced in Africa. Due to globalization and several other reasons, like extinction of certain African tribes, the traditional African tribe dances are on the verge of quenching. There are several famous African nationals who are constantly trying to save and make the types of African dance popular all over the world.Zulu Dancing and Zulu Dances Young boys Zulu Dance Gumboots Gumboot dancing, or Statistical, was born in the gold mines of South Africa during the oppressive Apartheid Pass Laws. Working in the mines was full of hardships. The floors of the mines were often flooded, providing gumboots to the workers was cheaper than attempting to drain the mines. The miners were forced into silence by their oppressive bosses, and as a result created their own unique form of Morse Code. By stamping their feet, rattling their ankle chains and slapping their boots, the enslaved workers sent messages to each other in the darkness.This developed as a form of entertainment during their free time. Jive During the years of the oppressive apartheid government in South Africa, people in townships kept their spirits up with the energetic township jive. Township jive is a blend of African rhythms, the Swell flute and American- style swing and rock melodies. It was during this time that Aspiration developed a form of working class dance music and a dance style taken from the American jazz culture and films was adopted and adapted. Caperer Caperer is an Afro-Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial arts, music, and dance.It was created around the sixteenth century in Brazil by slaves brought from Africa, particularly what is Angola today. Participants form a circle, and take turns playing musical instruments (such as the Bermuda), singing, or ritually sparring in pairs in the center of the circle. The purpose of Caperer has different theories. One theory describes it as a uniquely Brazilian folk dance with improvised fighting movements, while another claims that it is a battle-ready fighting form directly descended from ancient African techniques.Midland Midland is a traditional Zulu dance that is performed by men of any age with rums and full traditional Zulu attire (skin(ambush), headings, ceremonial belts, ankle rattles, shields and spears). It most often demonstrates the war dances of the warriors. It is a dance requiring great strength, timing and a fearless attitude and control of the spear with forceful stabs in the air towards an imaginary enemy. The females dance similar steps when dancing the ongoing but less fierce. West African Dance Dance has always played a very important role in the lives of West Africans.It often mimics daily life, animals, or nature and there is a dance for every significant occasion such as birth, harvest or death. Different parts of the body are emphasized by different groups. The upper body is emphasized by the Onto-Ewe and Lobo of Ghana. Subtle accent of the hips is characteristic of the Calamari of Nigeria and in other parts of Nigeria, dancers commonly combine at least two rhythms in their movement. In Gabon strong contraction-release movements of the pelvis and upper torso characterize both male and female dancing. The Akin of Ghana use the feet and hands in specific ways.In general men use large body movements, including jumping and leaping. Women dance smaller movements with much use of shuffle steps, the body in a bent position with crooked knees. Dancing in the middle of a circle formed by a group of people is common, sometimes solo dancers or musicians in the middle, sometimes couples with people outside the circle singing and encouraging the dancers on. Through the slave trade, and decades of migration of West Africans into the western world, West African dance has found its way around the globe.West African Dance has influenced many popular Western dance forms, such as hip-hop, salsa and jazz dance. Cambium Cambium is a Colombian musical style and folk dance that began as a courtship dance practiced among the slave population, during the period of Spanish colonization. Spain used Columbians ports to import African slaves, who tried to preserve their musical traditions and also turned the drumming and dances into a courtship ritual. Cambium was mainly performed with just drums and slaves that was later mixed with European instruments and musical characteristics Cambium is a variant of Guiana comb music.However, the rhythm of Cambium Can be found in music Of Your and in other musical radiation across West Africa. This slave courtship ritual features Women playfully waving their long skirts while holding a candle, and men dance behind the women with one hand behind their back and the other hand either holding a hat, putting it on, or taking it off. Male dancers also carried a red handkerchief which they either wrapped around their necks, waved in circles in the air, or held out for the women to hold. Swell Swell is a happy, pennyweights-based, street music from southern Africa with jazzy underpinnings and a distinctive, lilt-like beat.They blended indigenous sic with American musical elements into a new form of street music. The term swell means get up and swell-swell was often the name given to the police vans that roamed the streets, looking to pick up pass offenders or street gamblers. The young pennyweights players often found on street corners, would begin playing their instrument to warn people in the local beer parlous (shebang) of the approaching police vans. By the 1 sass penny whis tle music and dance parties were a major recreational activity of the townships.
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